
For those individuals that require "Tested" C.E. credits, we will be offering a test covering the material provided by our lecturers. The questions and answers for the test come directly from the lecturers, not from the Northern Ohio Arson Seminar.

Testing will be available to all who require it, at the end of the Saturday lectures, a test will be given to those individuals that are attending Saturday only. The test will be graded and a "Tested and Passed" stamp will be placed on the individuals Certificate of Attendance. If you are attending both days of the seminar you will not test until Sunday.

At the end of the Sunday lectures, a test will be given to those that attended Sunday only AND to those that attended BOTH Saturday and Sunday. The test will be graded and a "Tested and Passed" stamp will be placed on the individuals Certificate of Attendance.

You do not have to make any advance notification as to your wish to test or not.

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